[pdftex] Problem with cite package
Kevin Dezfulian
catch22 at fastmail.fm
Tue Jul 29 18:08:45 CEST 2003
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 18:27:45 +0700, "Eugene Shirykalov" <eugene at darim.ru>
> Here is a short example with cite package which is working correctly
> under LaTeX, but produces wrong output under pdfLaTeX with hyperref.
> Correct output conains citation in the following form: [1-3], but pdf
> output contains [1,2,3]. Is there any way to correct this? I use pdfTeX
> 3.14159-1.10a from MikTeX 2.2 distribution and hyperref v6.72y
> (2002/09/12).
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}
> \usepackage{cite}
> \begin{document}
> Three cites for test \cite{ct1,ct2,ct3}.
> \begin{thebibliography}{99}
> \bibitem{ct1} First document
> \bibitem{ct2} Second document
> \bibitem{ct3} Third document
> \end{thebibliography}
> \end{document}
I played with your example file using MikTeX 2.3 . . .
> latex --version
MiKTeX-TeX 2.3.1222 (3.141592) (MiKTeX 2.3)
> pdflatex --version
MiKTeX-pdfTeX 2.3.1222 (1.10b) (MiKTeX 2.3)
cite.sty version 3.9 (Nov 2001)
and cannot reproduce your results. Naturally, latex won't compile
the file as is because of the [pdftex] option to hyperref.
I played with other permutations and summarize the results below,
including the driver reported by hyperref.
Command Hyperref Output
Option Driver
latex [pdftex] hpdftex error (wrong option)
[dvips] hdvips [1,2,3] w/out links in yap
[1,2,3] w/ links in acrobat
after dvips/distiller
[] hypertex [1,2,3] w/ links in yap
pdflatex [pdftex] hpdftex [1,2,3] w/ links in acrobat
[] hpdftex [1,2,3] w/ links in acrobat
latex no hyperref [1-3] w/out links in yap
pdflatex no hyperref [1-3] w/out links in acrobat
I'm not sure if this behavior by hyperref is a bug or a feature.
Either way, the different behavior you observed might be related
to your aux files. Did you delete all files by foo.tex between
runs of latex/pdflatex to avoid interactions? (I did above).
Perhaps someone else will sort things out given this data?
Kevin K. Dezfulian
Cornell University
catch22 at fastmail.fm
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