[pdftex] Colorlinks = true

Rui Pimenta rpimenta at bigfoot.com
Wed Oct 24 02:12:13 CEST 2001

Hello all,

      I'm trying to include color links in my pdf file. At this moment almost
everything works, but if I include a picture like the code below it will give me the
% ========== ERROR MESSAGE ===================================
<memory.jpg 537.50812pt, 216.81pt, image 167> <use memory.jpg>
! Too many }'s.
\color at endbox ->\color at endgroup \egroup

l.250 \end{figure}  
% ============================================================

% ===================== Code to include a figure =============
  \centering \resizebox{!}{4cm}{\includegraphics{memory.jpg}}
  \caption{Memory patern}\label{mem}
% ============================================================

The configuration that I'm using is this:

% ================== CONFIGURATION ==========================
\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}      %%% graphics for pdfLaTeX

\usepackage[pdftex,                %%% hyper-references for pdflatex
bookmarks=true,                    %%% generate bookmarks ...
bookmarksnumbered=true,            %%% ... with numbers
hypertexnames=false,               %%% needed for correct links to figures !!!
breaklinks=true,                   %%% break links if exceeding a single line
urlcolor = black,
citecolor = green,
urlcolor = cyan,
linkbordercolor={0 0 1},           %%% blue frames around links
pdfborder= {0 0 1}]{hyperref} 
% ============================================================

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,
Rui Pimenta                    mailto:rpimenta at bigfoot.com

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