[pdftex] Generating CJK in PDF

Otfried Cheong otfried at cs.uu.nl
Sun May 6 12:04:48 CEST 2001

 > pdftex can comfortably make files with chinese fonts 
 > since they are just fonts...

Well, that's what I've been doing until now.  For the reasons I mentioned, it doesn't satisfy the demanding Asian customer.
 > just point to the ttf file, like: 
 > gbsong81 <gbk-81.enc <htsong.ttf
 > gbsong82 <gbk-82.enc <htsong.ttf

This isn't quite what I had in mind, as pdftex creates separate embedded fonts.

But it is great that this is possible. This should be in the documentation for the CJK package.  One doesn't need to create any subfonts at all and can let pdftex do it on the fly.
No more running ttf2pt1 on TTF files!

I feel like having learnt a lot today..


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