[pdftex] How to access included graphics in PDF-Javascript
D. P. Story
story at uakron.edu
Sat Dec 8 07:16:32 CET 2001
The named icon is new to Acrobat 5.0. Pdftex is certainly capable of
importing named icons, but I don't think that feature has been included
in pdftex as of yet.
If all icons are already in your document in one form or another, then you
can use the Doc.addIcon() method to give them names. This would then make it
easy to manipulate them in your animation.
With Acrobat 5 (the full application), you can use the Doc.importIcon()
method to embed all your (named) icons into your document, without
associating them with any button. You can even use a batch file to
automatically import the named icons if you need to make and remake your pdf
file during development. There is a sample batch file that comes with the
(Acrobat) distribution called 'Import Named Icons' that can be used for that
purpose. (It needs to be modified first.)
Hope this helps.
On 4 Dec 2001, at 15:54, Jochen Skupin wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm quite new to this list and hope this question isn't
> a FAQ (at least I couldn't find it in the FAQ).
> I would like to access a graphic (maybe included with
> \includegraphics) with the Acroreader PDF-Javascript.
> Therefore I need a reference for the graphic in Javascript
> to access it. How do I declare such type of reference
> in LaTeX?
> The reason why I'm asking is that with this it would be
> possible to create animated buttons or with a little effort
> even animations in PDF. This small example sketches
> how to animate a button (switches from picture 'button'
> to 'button_pressed'):
> \namegraphic{pressed}{\includegraphics{button_pressed}}
> % ^^^ thats what I'm looking for
> \begin{Form}
> \PushButton[name=navbutton,
> onclick={this.getField('navbutton').buttonSetIcon(pressed);}
> ]{\includegraphics{button}}
> \end{Form}
> Ciao
> Jochen
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Dr. D. P. Story / dpstory at uakron.edu / (330) 972-7514
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