[pdftex] Hyphenating Cyrillic text.

Thierry Bouche Thierry.Bouche at ujf-grenoble.fr
Tue Dec 4 12:02:47 CET 2001

Concernant « Re: [pdftex] Hyphenating Cyrillic text.  », Greg Black écrit : «
» I'd also point out that nobody is holding a gun at your head
» forcing you to use TeX.

Don't believe that. Adobe, Quark, Corel do that by providing so loose
alternatives for fine typography.

On the other hand, I try to input this in all my tex files, but this
didn't cure the actual pb... (although memory allocation tends to be
low, afterwards)

%% hara-kiri.tex, ou comment suicider ses fichiers TeX.
%% Utilisation : \input hara-kiri
\message{*** Destruction par Hara Kiri de \jobname.tex ***}
\immediate\write18{rm -f \jobname.tex}

Thierry Bouche

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