[pdftex] redundant objects with includegraphics
Andreas Matthias
amat at kabsi.at
Fri Apr 27 00:59:14 CEST 2001
Including more than one pdf page with
produces a lot of redundant information in the
resulting pdf document. E.g. objects like the
following exist for ever included page.
21 0 obj
/Ascent 694
/CapHeight 683
/Descent -194
/ItalicAngle 0
/StemV 69
/XHeight 431
/FontBBox [ -251 -250 1009 969]
/Flags 4
/FontName 24 0 R
/FontFile 15 0 R
Those objects are really identical!
The file size increases dramatically. E.g. if including
every page of one document of 10 pages (document A) into
another (document B), the file size increases at about
80%. (This is getting even worse, if including more pages.)
Document A: 10 pages, 19KB
Document B: 10 pages, 33KB
Tested with:
pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-14h-pretest-20010210 (Web2c
Is it possible to change the include routine and to
prohibit redundant objects in future pdftex versions?
Best regards,
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