[pdftex] ANN: Web/Exerquiz, version 2.0

Donald Story story at uakron.edu
Wed Apr 11 10:51:19 CEST 2001

I've just uploaded the web and exerquiz packages. There are numerous addtions 
to these packages, the main highlights are

(1) For Web: The user can now design his/her own screen size,  similar to 
pdfscreen. Some standard designes are offered.

(2) For Exerquiz: A new type of question can now be posed, the "fill-in-the-
blank", also called an objective-style question. This is in addition to 
multiple choice question of the previous versions.

These versions introduce a new technique for insert document level 
javascripts into a pdf document, for those who use the distiller to make pdf 
(dvipsone or dvips options).  For users of Acrobat 5.0, the process of 
inserting the DLJS is completely automated and seamless
(here, I use some new features of Acrobat 5.0); for users of Acrobat prior to 
5.0, an alternate method is provided. Please see the documentation. For users 
 of pdftex and dvipdfm, the DLJS are automatically placed in the PDF file as 
well, nothing special to do.

The packages and supporting materials/documentation can be obtained from


Will submit to CTAN in the next few days as well.

Hope it works for you and READ THE DOCUMENTATION!


Dr. D. P. Story / dpstory at uakron.edu / (330) 972-7514
http://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/ Dept of Mathematics
and Computer Science / University of Akron / Akron, Ohio 44325 
AcroTeX Web Site: http://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/acrotex.html
Site Includes: e-Calculus, Algebra Review in Ten Lessons,
Mathematics Games, Pdfmarks:Links & Forms,
Using LaTeX to Create Quality PDF Documents for the WWW,
Web.sty and Exerquiz.sty Packages for LaTeX,
and much, much more.

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