[pdftex] Re: What's new with Acrobat 5.0

Alan Shutko ats at acm.org
Wed Apr 11 00:20:14 CEST 2001

Donald Story <story at uakron.edu> writes:

> I don't know much more. I've seen a demonstration of reflow on a Palm.
> I don't see the point myself. Reflow and see half-dozen large words, or 
> a dozen tiny words.

I did see more information in the file format updates.  It really has
a bunch of good uses:

* Easy to pull out text, rather than doing pdftotext on a two-column
  doc and having to load it into emacs in 2-column mode to sort it out

* Accessibility, of course

* Finally answer all those questions about "How to convert from PDF to

The reflow itself doesn't really excite me, but creating great PDFs
does.  One of the reasons I can still use TeX for a lot of things is
that I can create excellent PDFs (bookmarks, links, thumbnails, etc)
that work for anyone, with ease.

Alan Shutko <ats at acm.org> - In a variety of flavors!
The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware that he is wise.

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