How to uncrop pages?

Berthold Crysmann crysmann at
Thu Dec 17 17:55:19 CET 1998

David Carlisle wrote:
> > But still i'd like to know whether what i
> > want (putting printable things out of a PDF page, that will not be
> > clipped off when i export as PS) requires some 'PS passthrough'
> > magics, or is possible with current pdftex.
> yes and yes I think. I think you should be able to do the cropmarks
> from pdftex as a \pdfliteral that draws the marks using _postscript_
> in such a way they only show up if sent to PS RIP rather than a pdf one.

If these kind of things are possible, would it not be useful to make
much more heavy use of it in style files like hyperref? 

Another application would be to use colored links "PDF-only", so one
does not get strange rasterised text... Also, backlinks could be
deactivated in the printout. 

Berthold Crysmann <crysmann at>
Universitaet des Saarlandes, Computerlinguistik
Geb. 17.2, Postfach 151150, D-66041 Saarbruecken
Tel. +49-681-302-4502 / Fax +49-681-302-4700

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