[OzTeX] OzTeX to OzTtH?

Andrew Trevorrow andrew at trevorrow.com
Wed Jan 25 23:35:05 CET 2006

[Apologies for the late reply -- I've been away on holidays.]

> The LaTeX combination:
>   \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}
>   ...
>   \includegraphics[bb = 0 0 400 510, scale = 1.0]{foo.gif}
> used to emit:
>   <img src="foo.gif" alt="foo.gif"> ...
> which displays the image in the browser, as expected.
> But  OzTeX 5.3b2 and OzTtH 5.2 on MacOS X 10.4.4 now emits:
>   <a href="foo.gif">Figure</a> ...
> which displays a link called "Figure" in the browser, rather than the image.
> Any ideas why this has changed?

I can't reproduce the problem on my system (OS 10.3.9) and it's
hard to see how tth would generate different output on Tiger.
I included a .gif file and ran tth using these options
(in the OzTtH section of my Local file):

tth_options = "-e2 -L"

The resulting .html file had <img src=...>.

Check the tth manual (see TtH/Docs/manual.html) to see if there
is some option to control the behavior of \includegraphics.
If no joy there then I guess you'll have to ask tth's author:
Ian Hutchinson (hutch at psfc.mit.edu).


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