[OzTeX] Bounding box to pdf?

Andrew Trevorrow andrew at trevorrow.com
Thu Jan 20 14:47:17 CET 2005

> I'm using OzTeX 5.2 under 10.3.7 for most things.  I'd like to include some pdfs in a document.  When I use graphicx  \includegraphics complains
> ! LaTeX Error: Cannot determine size of graphic in Problem1-2a.pdf (no Bounding Box).
> So ... how do I add one to the pdf?  I'm going to have to process a lot of files, so the simpler (or more automated) the process the better.

I'm no expert on this sort of stuff but here are a few thoughts...

1. If you have teTeX installed then why not just call pdflatex from
OzTeX's Tools menu instead of running LaTeX.

2. Some (all?) pdf files do have bounding box info near the start --
eg. /MediaBox [0 0 128 128] -- so maybe some clever TeXnician has written
a package to parse that info.  But even if there is, OzTeX's dvi viewer
doesn't know about included pdf files (I probably should allow this
eventually -- easy enough to do).

3. If there is no such package and you can't use pdflatex then convert
your pdf files to eps using the pdf2ps command (comes with Ghostscript),
then you can run LaTeX.  Keep the pdf files as well so OzTeX can use them
to preview the included eps files (which won't have a PICT 256 image).


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