[OzTeX] \usepackage{color}

Andrew Trevorrow andrew at trevorrow.com
Fri Dec 30 00:20:01 CET 2005

> I have a forty page manuscript with 20 paragraphs temporarily typeset in blue as a rewrite-reminder. I have been using the color package and the tag
> \textcolor{blue}{ colored paragraph here. }
> I have been getting (sometimes) a warning from OzTeX:
> Stack underflow for color \specials!
> as I scroll to a page with color text, and some of the blue-tagged text on that page shows up black.
> This is not a big deal, but I am curious. Why does it do this?

OzTeX generates the above warning if it sees a "color pop" \special
without seeing an earlier "color push ..." \special.  You can see all
\special commands on a page by typing "i" while viewing the page.

> Can I modify something so that does not happen?

One of the following should work:

- In the dialog that appears after selecting "View foo.dvi", make sure
  "Prescan color \specials" is ticked.  I suspect you only get the warning
  when you view a page N with a blue paragraph that starts on page N-1 and
  continues over to page N.  Prescanning will ensure that OzTeX sees the
  push command on the earlier page.  (Actually, Macs are now fast enough
  that I should *always* do a prescan and just remove that option.)

- Instead of using \textcolor{blue}{Paragraph text.} try this:
  {\color{blue} Paragraph text.}

- If the above don't avoid the warning, tick "Ignore bad \specials"
  in the "View foo.dvi" dialog.  Only do this as a last resort.

Please let us know which solution works.



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