[omega] Draft of paper for EuroTeX 2005

Yannis Haralambous yannis.haralambous at enst-bretagne.fr
Mon Feb 28 00:56:49 CET 2005

Dear friends,

I wrote the following draft for EuroTeX 2005. As this is somehow a 
roadmap of what we (Gábor and myself) are doing with for some time now, 
of what we are planning to do in the future, before finalizing the 
paper, I would like to hear your opinion, suggestions, reactions, etc. 
Here it is.
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Thanks in advance

| Yannis Haralambous, Ph.D.      yannis.haralambous at enst-bretagne.fr |
| Directeur d'Études                   http://omega.enstb.org/yannis |
|                                          Tel. +33 (0) |
|                                          Fax  +33 (0) |
| Département Informatique                                           |
| École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne      |
| Technopôle de Brest Iroise, CS 83818, 29238 Brest CEDEX 3, France  |
                          ...pour distinguer l'extérieur d'un aquarium,
                                         mieux vaut n'être pas poisson

                         ...the ball I threw while playing in the park
                                        has not yet reached the ground

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