[metapost] recursion in MP/MF

Taco Hoekwater taco at elvenkind.com
Thu Jan 20 09:12:17 CET 2005

Larry Siebenmann wrote:
> Hans writes:
>  > that [parameter] stack is now 300
> What is the unit?

simultaneous active parameters, on all levels.

> How can we print out our various capacity limits
> and learn what the printout means?

In much the same way as in TeX:

   tracingstats := 1;

My executable reports the following:

   300i (input stack),
   300n (internals),
   1500p (param stack),
   200000b (buffer)

In MP, There are a number of other stack sizes that are not reported.
A portion of those are related to font making and reading, but not all.
Notable are:

   write_files (simultaneous "write" files)
   read_files  (simultaneous "readfrom" files)
   max_in_open (simultaneous "input" files)
   path_size   (maximum number of knots between breakpoints of a path)
   font_size   (fonts/font memory for labels)

There is a similar (but slightly different) list for MF, of course.

Greetings, Taco

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