[metapost] Re: all intersections between two paths

Dan Luecking luecking at uark.edu
Fri Jan 7 01:23:38 CET 2005

At 09:55 AM 1/6/2005, you wrote:

>I asked Dan:
> > Dan Luecking:
> >> Mathematically, paths of length 1 can intersect as many as 9 times.
> >
> > Could you provide an example? I can invent only an 8 intersections case.
>Here is the example:
>  path p,q;
>  size:=100;
>  p:=(0,0).. controls (300,100) and (-200,100) .. (100,0);
>  q:=p rotatedaround (center(p), 100) shifted (-5,5);
>  draw p; draw q;

Here's one without self-intersections:
  path p,q;
   p:=(-10, -100).. controls (-10,600) and (10,-500)..(10,100);
   q:= p rotated 90;
  draw p; draw q;



Daniel H. Luecking
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Arkansas 

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