[math-font-discuss] MathTimePro 2 videos

Lance Carnes lcarnes at pctex.com
Mon Aug 4 20:45:58 CEST 2008

Dear Math-Font-Discuss group,

We recently produced a series of videos on the MathTime Profesional 
fonts.  Michael Spivak, the font designer, produced three of the 
videos.  He talks about math font design and some of the goals of the 
fonts.  You can view the videos at 
<http://pctex.com/MTPro2Videos.html>. Feel free to pass this link 
along to your colleagues.

Best regards,

Lance Carnes, Personal TeX, Inc.
415/296-7550, FAX 415/296-7501.  http://www.pctex.com  

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