[math-font-discuss] help with math fonts (want them upright instead italic)

andreas winzer andreas.winzer at gmx.net
Mon Nov 14 22:43:34 CET 2005


I am typing my thesis in TeX. Since I used lower case greek characters &
other maths symbols inside my text I would like to change my math font. It
should be either 'normal' instead of 'italic' or the same as my text font. 
At the moment I use the standard TeX text font ( I didn't specify any font
separately). Alternatively I use the package helvet.

How could I adjust my math font to 'upright' instead of 'italic'?

Also, I would like to adjust my bibliography to a certain style.
I am using bibTeX and looking for a package and a .sty-file the produces the
following format:

-numeric abbreviation inside text
-bibliography: [item#], author, year (in brackets, bold), colon, title
(first letter capital character, following letters small), comma, journal
(italics), comma, volume (bold), comma, issue, comma, pp., comma, page # (in
brackets, not abbreviated)

If that's not available I'm looking for the file most similar to that.

Thank you very much!

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