[math-font-discuss] Please Help! postscript font/ligature

Alex Kasman kasman@mathmac.cofc.edu
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 09:46:00 -0400

Dear Listmembers:

I'm sorry to bother you with my problems and I would be very grateful 
for any help you could offer.

The History: I'm using LaTeX to produce a math textbook for a 
publisher.  I use lots of "special" commands to insert postscript 
commands into the file.  We are using times-roman as the text font, but 
computer modern for the math font.  The book has been printed and 
everything seemed fine until...

The First Problem: The publisher wants to make a copy of the book 
available on a CD as a pdf file.  Because I need all of the postscript 
commands, I make a pdf file using dvips followed by ps2pdf.  Although 
the times-roman (postscript) font looks fine.  The computer modern looks 
terrible on a screen because it is bitmapped.

The Solution to the First Problem:  I solved this problem by using the 
-Ppdf option on dvips.  This seems to replace the bitmapped cm fonts 
with type one fonts.  I thought that everything was okay and that I was 
done but then...

The Second Problem:  It turns out that the files produced with -Ppdf 
don't have the right ligatures in the times-roman.  For example "fi" 
comes out looking like a British "pound" sign!  Any time I try to solve 
this problem, I end up with the bad looking computer modern fonts again.

HELP!  I'm running out of ideas and especially TIME!  Is there some way 
I can have all type 1 fonts without losing the ligatures?!?!

Please reply to kasman@math.cofc.edu.

