[OS X TeX] includegraphics with EPS
George Tourlakis
gt at cse.yorku.ca
Thu Feb 24 01:33:42 CET 2022
Hi Herb,
It did not work with (or without) the following
>> \usepackage{epstopdf}
>> \DeclareGraphicsRule{.tif}{png}{.png}{`convert #1 `dirname #1`/`basename #1 .tif`.png}
(BTW, I do not use .tif but I use .eps [always did])
Here is a sample source (and an EPS file)
> On Feb 23, 2022, at 4:32 PM, Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 23, 2022, at 2:47 PM, George Tourlakis <gt at cse.yorku.ca> wrote:
>> Hi Richard, Herbert, all,
>> I seem to have forgotten how to get
>> includegraphics[width=xx in]{file.eps} work.
>> Compilation complains that file.pdf not found.
>> I am sure the pdf was created automatically in the past (whatever I was doing right then; now I have to provide the PDF manually).
>> What am I missing?
>> I have incuded
>> \usepackage{geometry}
>> \usepackage{graphicx}
>> \usepackage{epstopdf}
>> \DeclareGraphicsRule{.tif}{png}{.png}{`convert #1 `dirname #1`/`basename #1 .tif`.png}
>> Cheers,
>> George
> Howdy,
> Don't load the epstopdf package.
> Are you including .tif files? If not, remove that graphics rule. If you are including .tif files let us know and I can give you a version that works since convert hasn't been used in quite a while. and the DeclareGraphicsRule command has changed.
> If none of this helps please create a minimal example and also let us know what's in the .log file.
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
> herbs at wideopenwest.com
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