[OS X TeX] Running out of \write's while building a grouped-by-chapter symbol index
George Tourlakis
gt at cse.yorku.ca
Sat Jun 26 23:41:19 CEST 2021
Hello Ross, thank you.
> What package(s) are you using to handle creation of the Glossary?
Rather unsophisticated (meaning “simple”): I use “imakeidx” and \index[sym i]{…} records a math symbol or expression (“…” is the placeholder for that) that I want to include. The “i” in "sym i” is specific to the chapter (in my case i=0,1,…,15) where the expression or symbol is recorded.
I bumped into the package “morewrites”. Using it made the problem go away. I do not not know exactly what the LaTeX \write command does but apparently it is called by the compiler and there is a quota on how many it can call (anyway, that is how I picture it). The morewrites package expands the quota apparently. In my case it worked!
> On Jun 26, 2021, at 4:51 PM, Ross Moore <ross.moore at mq.edu.au> wrote:
> Hello George,
> What package(s) are you using to handle creation of the Glossary?
> If glossaries.sty then there is a savewrites=true option that can be used.
> Give it a try.
> In your case the idea is that you will need to use the same write channel for each chapter.
> You must not issue the TeX \newwrite command more than once.
> You may need to consult the documentation to get everything working correctly; e.g. using a different type for each chapter.
> Hope this helps.
> Ross
> On 27/06/2021, at 5:40, "George Tourlakis" <gt at cse.yorku.ca <mailto:gt at cse.yorku.ca>> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I have encountered an unfamiliar (to me) problem:
>> I am wrapping up a text book project. Creating a single symbol index was easy but useless, as symbols were listed randomly (vis a vis page numbers).
>> So I turned to a by-chapter symbol index (but still one that is placed at the end of the book, the symbols grouped by chapter). This time compilation halts with a "too many \write’s" error message. (I have 16 chapters, 0-15; if I try to print a by-chapter index for the first 7 or so chapters only, then I am OK).
>> Any suggestions for a workaround?
>> Thanks,
>> Cheers
>> George
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