[OS X TeX] templates

John Collins jcc8 at psu.edu
Tue Jul 14 02:08:20 CEST 2020

On 7/13/20 12:28 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:
>> On Jul 13, 2020, at 11:12 AM, Nitecki, Zbigniew H.
>> <Zbigniew.Nitecki at tufts.edu> wrote:
>> This is more of a Mac question than a TeX question, I think.
>> I have in the past made use of many templates which I have created as .sty
>> files. I store them in a file called “My Templates” on Dropbox. Recently,
>> I wrote a new one (for a new purpose) and put it there. But when I open a
>> new document in TeX and click on the “Templates” button, in contrast to
>> past behavior, that new file is not listed (all the old ones are).
>> I tried quitting TeXShop and also restarting the computer, and neither
>> seems to make a difference.
>> Any suggestions where to look for the problem?
> Howdy,
> By Templates it sounds like you mean packages (.sty files) rather than
> something like TeXShop's templates. Packages are not searched for in the
> DropBox folder but personal packages are usually searched for in your
> personal texmf tree with root in ~/Library/texmf in a folder or sub-folder
> in ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex. You may have copied the files from your
> DropBox folder there.
I've found a useful solution is to define my TEXMFHOMES environment variable to 
include both locations:


(You should replace ~ by the location of your home directory, and ... by the 
relevant subdirectory, of course.)

I use Dropbox to store style files (etc) that I specifically want to share 
across computers.  An advantage of Dropbox is that you are accessing local 
copies of the files; Dropbox is only concerned to synchronize files across 
computers (including copies accessible at the Dropbox website).

John Collins
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