[OS X TeX] Book in LaTex
Themis Matsoukas via MacOSX-TeX
macosx-tex at email.esm.psu.edu
Thu Jan 16 12:39:22 CET 2020
Hi Peter,
Congratulations on your resolution, I have written two books, both in latex, and I am itching to write more. I use memoir as my standard document class for everything I do in latex unless a publisher provides a different class. It is very versatile and has many built-in styles. There are a few things you should consider before you start.
First, are you preparing the entire document yourself, or do you plan to give it to a publisher. If you work with a publisher you shouldn't spend too much time on your side because the publisher will transfer your book to their format.
If you are self-publishing, then you should spend some time planning the book design. Memoir has many built-in formats that you can switch between using the command \chapterstyle (see the attached preamble below).
Personally I like the tufte style, which you can download from here:
I like its general appearance and the idea of placing figures and footnotes on the margin. However, tufte is not easily customizable and for this reason I am now using memoir to emulate tufte's general look.
The snippet below is my standard template for memoir documents. It is a standard format that places footnotes at the bottom and figures in the text. If you are interested in my tufte emulation I can send you the files off line.
I hope this helps,
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}
\usepackage{enumitem}% to fix spacing in enumerate: \begin{enumerate}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\usepackage{tmtex}% various personal customizations by tm
%---Begin LaTeX - Memoir customise-----------------------------------------*
\posttitle{\vskip 0.5em}
\maxsecnumdepth{section} % number subsections
\pagestyle{ruled} %
%also: empty, plain, headings, myheadings, simple, ruled, Ruled,
%also: companion, book, chapter, cleared, part, title, titlepage
%also: default, section, hangnum, companion, article, reparticle
%also: bianchi, brighthurst, brotherton, chappell, crosshead, culver,
%also: dash, demo2, demo3, dowdingell, ell, ger, komalke, lyhne, madsen
%also: ntglike, pederson, southall, tandh, thatcher, veelo, verville,
%also: wilsondob
% favorites:
% bianchi (*)
% thatcher (*) bug when \ref used inside \chapter
% southall
% chappell (?)
% dash
% ell
% ger
% veelo (seems to require pdfpages!?)
\renewcommand{\chapnumfont} {\normalfont\LARGE}
%---End LaTeX - Memoir customize-------------------------------------------*
\LARGE\em Title\\
\large Subtitle}
Themis Matsoukas\\
Department of Chemical Engineering\\
Penn State University\\
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