[OS X TeX] Delays in viewing beamer slides
Richard Koch
koch at uoregon.edu
Fri Jan 4 18:12:31 CET 2019
This is a bug I reported to Apple over a year ago. After a delay, I received a note from them that my report was a "duplicate bug report." This cut me off from further reports about the bug, because to preserve developer privacy Apple sends information about bugs only to the initial reporter and not to those duplicating the report.
All I can suggest is that TeX users write Apple directly. There is no official channel for doing this unless you are a developer. If you are at a university, it might be useful to contact your computer support people and ask them to pursue the matter with Apple.
To be fair, Apple gave very useful information about other bug reports I submitted. I've found Mojave to be stable and responsive. But then, I never enter single page mode.
Let me, however, recommend a program named "Presentation" by Renaud Blanch. See
This is a free program which can display Beamer slides. It provides many desirable features; for instance the presenter can see an overview of the slides while selecting one to display. But I mention it particularly because it is immune from the bug.
Dick Koch
> On Jan 4, 2019, at 8:52 AM, Nitecki, Zbigniew H. <Zbigniew.Nitecki at tufts.edu> wrote:
> I am not sure that this is a TeXShop issue, but wonder if anyone has a suggestion for a workaround.
> I am trying to prepare some slides for a talk, and went back to a set I prepared about a year ago for a similar talk via beamer.
> When I view this using Preview, I find that every time a slide changes, there is a delay of maybe a second,
> during which the display becomes fuzzy before coming into focus. This is of course highly distracting, and is not a behavior I recall
> (nor one I would have imposed on my audience) from a year ago. I am not sure how to provide a “minimal example”, but wonder
> if anyone can suggest where to look for the source of this behavior, and even without that, how to avoid the behavior itself.
> Zbigniew Nitecki
> Department of Mathematics
> Tufts University
> Medford, MA 02155
> telephones:
> Office (617)627-3843
> Dept. (617)627-3234
> Dept. fax (617)627-3966
> http://www.tufts.edu/~znitecki/
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