[OS X TeX] Potential problem with MacTeX2018
R Martinez
rm.tech at mac.com
Wed May 9 23:30:58 CEST 2018
I successfully installed MacTeX2018 (MT2018) and tried to typeset a document on which I’ve been working with MacTeX2017 (MT2017). The document failed to typeset when I attempted to run MT2018. I think the problem may be that my document uses the STIX font package and MT2018 hiccups with it.
To summarize:
My document
1. typesets correctly with MT2017 and the STIX font.
2. fails to typeset with MT2018 and the STIX font.
3. typesets correctly with MT2018 and the Latin Modern font.
Clearly, MacTeX 2018 is not handling the STIX font correctly.
I don’t know how to fix this and will appreciate comments and suggestions.
Here are some details.
Encoding selected in TeXShop Preferences for all typesetting runs
Partial preamble of .tex document file run with MT2017
The document uses the STIX font and typesets correctly
% ----------Document class-------------------------------
% !TEX encoding = IsoLatin9
%\usepackage{amssymb} %This is redundant when using STIX.
Log file partial output of MT2017 after correct typesetting
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>
Babel <3.18> and hyphenation patterns for 84 language(s) loaded.
Document Class: amsart 2017/10/31 v2.20.4
) (/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ts1cmr.fd)
.tex document file run with MT2018 and the STIX font using the same preamble commands as shown above for MT2017
Log file partial output of MT2018 after failure to typeset. The log displays the errors:
No file LS2stix.fd.
> LaTeX Error: This NFSS system isn't set up properly.
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2018) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2018-04-01> patch level 4
Babel <3.20> and hyphenation patterns for 84 language(s) loaded.
Document Class: amsart 2017/10/31 v2.20.4
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
) (./DMMStatModels_r1.aux
) (/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ts1cmr.fd)
No file LS1stix.fd.
./DMMStatModels_r1.tex:68: LaTeX Error: This NFSS system isn't set up properly.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.68 \begin{document}
No file LS2stix.fd.
./DMMStatModels_r1.tex:68: LaTeX Error: This NFSS system isn't set up properly.
Partial preamble of .tex document file typeset successfully with MT2018 using the Latin Modern font instead of STIX font.
It is unnecessary to display the log output file because it contains no errors.
% ----------Document class-------------------------------
% !TEX encoding = IsoLatin9
\usepackage{amssymb} %This is redundant when using STIX.
I am running MacOS 10.13.4 on a 2016 MacBook Pro.
Raul Martinez
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