[OS X TeX] TeXShop in MacTeX 2018 pretest

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Sat Mar 17 15:05:35 CET 2018

No need to read this.

Let me fill in the gruesome details about TeXShop 3.98 in the pretest.

When I created version 3.98, the first pieces of code I added made the
"flash fix" more stable, and switched scrolling in the Preview Window
back to standard code when 10.13.4 is released, since the
"Page Changed" notification is fixed by Apple there. I created this
on High Sierra.

Then it came time to make the GUI package for 2018, so I put this
incomplete 3.98 in the package, even though it hadn't been released yet.

Later I completed TeXShop 3.98 and released it. The release 
version was again made on High Sierra. Release is a tricky business
of signing the code for Sparkle, and creating six or seven new files for the
web. I transfer these to my web site, and then move them into place as
quickly as I can, since if someone tries to update in the middle of the move,
strange things will happen.

The final step in any such release is to unzip an earlier version of TeXShop
on my computer and select "Check for Updates" to update it. This will test
the web move. I did this. The correct dialog appeared describing the changes.
I asked to update. The update progress bar showed the download. I clicked
the final button to switch to the update and a dialog appeared saying that
the code was broken and should be thrown away.


So now a defective TeXShop release is active on the web. As quickly
as possible, I moved the code base to Sierra on a second partition of the disk,
and compiled again. (I thought I had fixed signing problems on High Sierra,
but knew that signing worked on Sierra). I gave the new version a Sparkle
signature, uploaded to the web, put the new files in place, again tried to
update an older TeXShop, and this time .... Success.

(Sparkle signatures and Apple signatures are two different things.
Web versions for Sparkle need both.)

Lesson: Until I fix High Sierra, my releases have to be signed on Sierra. If you got
3.98 in the prerelease, it didn't have a correct signature. If you got it from
my web site, it did have a correct signature (except during a 15 minute

The next pretest will have 3.99, correctly signed.


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