[OS X TeX] mactex pretest

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Fri Mar 16 13:23:14 CET 2018

> On Mar 16, 2018, at 3:25 AM, André Valentin <ajj47.valentin at orange.fr> wrote:
> (Sorry: the subject line in my preceding post should have been as in this one!)
> I’m running OSX El Capitan on iMac (24 inches mid 2007)
> I’ve downloaded mactex-20180304.pkg and installed.
> The installation was OK, but 
> with a small test file, I did the following in terminal:
> /usr/local/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-darwin/pdflatex testmars18.tex
> and I got:
> Illegal instruction: 4
> If I replace /2018/ in the above by /2017/, all is working as expected.
> So the binaries in 2018 don’t work?
> I was just testing…


I don't know if your problem has been solved already but there have been updates to many packages, etc., since that first test has been released. First try to update using TeX Live Utility. You will have to choose one of the pretest sites for the repository; the list is at <https://tug.org/texlive/mirmon/> and one that may be reasonably close to you is <http://ftp.cstug.cz/pub/tex/local/tlpretest/>.

PS: Assuming you used the mactex installer to do the work the binaries for the TL2018 pretest should already be along the PATH so there is no need to use the full path. Of course you will then need to use the full path to the Tl2017 binaries or use TeX Live Utility to change the active distribution.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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