[OS X TeX] High Sierra Bug

Richard M. Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Sun Nov 26 16:01:10 CET 2017


Read those notes VERY carefully. Apple FIXED many PDFKit bugs in High Sierra. The problem
is that they introduced new bugs. I suspect that some of your complaints are out of date.

I'm also interested in your report of the speed of TeX. Here are some questions:

	a) How do you typeset? From a shell, from a front end, if so which

	b) What binaries are you using? From 2017, or an earlier year, If from 2017,
are you using the binaries i made on Yosemite, or are you using the legacy binaries
made by someone else?

	c) What typesetting engine do you use? PdfTeX, PdfLaTeX, ConTeXt, LuaTeX?

	d) What equipment, and what version of OS X

Eventually I may ask for some actual timings. I don't know other complaints of slow
typesetting speed, so we need to investigate this.

Do you just use standard style and class files in TeX, or did you add files in ~/Library/texmf?
Do you have files in /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local? TeX Wizzards have explained to me that speed
problems are often the result of long searches, rather than typesetting speed itself, caused sometimes
by misconfiguration of environment variables.

Dick Koch

> On Nov 25, 2017, at 10:40 PM, Nicolae Garleanu <garleanu at berkeley.edu> wrote:
> I’d like to add a clarification, having gone through Dick’s description of changes in the process of upgrading to 3.92. My issues with the refreshing of the preview is NOT a High Sierra issue; in fact, I haven’t even installed High Sierra yet. I infer that it is only worse in High Sierra.
> Nicolae 
> On Nov 25, 2017, at 11:15, Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:
>> On Nov 25, 2017, at 12:53 PM, Nicolae Garleanu <garleanu at berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> I can’t say which upgrade it was that did it for me (probably after yosemite; now I am on Sierra), but the whole tex on mac experience for me became distinctly less pleasant at some point. The compilation times went up considerably (on the same computer, say my old, mid-2013 MBA; my more powerful computers — iMacs — are faster, but I’m inclined to say that they are still surprisingly, if not shockingly, slow). Second, while it used to be the case that the preview file would update with no visible sign (other than the changed content, of course), now the window becomes white first (may be very short), then reloads; Herb referred to this as “flashing". This is particularly noticeable when working on slides, especially when using dynamic features. Both Preview and Skim provide a “hiccupy” transition from page to page, including in full page mode; only Acrobat works as it should, but of course it does not play nice with the editor.
>> Nicolae 
> Howdy,
> I didn't have any problems with Sierra. I see a momentary gray flash when pages are refreshed and the pdf display is a bit fuzzy on my older 2011 21" iMac.
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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