[OS X TeX] very slow pdflatexmk runs after upgrade TeXShop to 3.80
Murray Eisenberg
murrayeisenberg at gmail.com
Sun Jul 23 20:42:45 CEST 2017
Compilation, with the pdflatexmk engine, is now proceeding quite snappily, as I had become accustomed to seeing, after I did the following:
(1) deleted TeXShop.app, ~/Library/TeXShop, and ~/Library/Preferences/TeXShop.plist (after backing up both the latter two);
(2) installed TeXShop 3.80, then updated it to 3.81;
(3) recustomized the TeXShop preferences — some directly through the TeXShop > Preferences dialogs and others by modifying ~/Library/Preferences/TeXShop.plist directly in an editor or by using at least one shell script to do some “defaults write” commands (there were some apparently obsolete preferences in my old TeXShop.plist that had accreted over the years and that I did not restore to the new version, without apparent misbehavior); and
(4) zapped all auxiliary file for my book-length document;
in its root document commented out the entire \includepnly block;
ran pdflatexmk on the whole thing;
restored the \includeonly block; and
am careful now _not_ to delete auxiliary files unless something goes very wrong and I”m forced to do so.
> On Jul 14, 2017, at 6:27 PM, Herb Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 14, 2017, at 5:16 PM, Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenberg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Each time after quitting TeXShop, I always do zap all the aux files (via a little shell file) in the entire tree holding my document root.
> Howdy,
> But those aux files are still used for things like cross-refs even they are not included in the compile.
>> After commenting out the entire \includeonly block, compilation is no faster. Ditto after putting it back (with all needed .tex source files for the entire document listed in the \includeoly.
> But did you remove the aux files between those two compiles? It would be nice to use them.
>> I do have saved, outside the current ~/Library/TeXShop tree, the previous
>> ~/Library/TeXShop/bin/tslatesmk/latexmk
>> (as well as the previous ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/latexmk.engine)
>> from the prior TeXShop version.
>> Should I just try renaming the new latexmk and substituting the one from the prior release? Will that cause any conflict with the current latexmk.engine?
> You can rename the new latexmk and put in the old one. Nothing else changed so that's all you should need to do.
>> ---
>> Murray Eisenberg murrayeisenberg at gmail.com
>> 503 King Farm Blvd #101 Home (240)-246-7240
>> Rockville, MD 20850-6667 Mobile (413)-427-5334
> Let me know if things are actually better. If so I'll get in touch with John Collins and let him know.
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
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Murray Eisenberg murrayeisenberg at gmail.com
503 King Farm Blvd #101 Home (240)-246-7240
Rockville, MD 20850-6667 Mobile (413)-427-5334
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