[OS X TeX] Background images
Ross Moore
ross.moore at mq.edu.au
Fri Feb 17 02:33:01 CET 2017
Hi Alain,
On 17 Feb 2017, at 12:16, Alain Schremmer <schremmer.alain at gmail.com<mailto:schremmer.alain at gmail.com>> wrote:
I was curious and tried to run your code but got an error:
Did you remove all the blank lines that are seen in the email?
This tends to happen when a message is submitted from a PC, (with <CR><LF> )
and read on a Mac/Unix .
Both characters can be translated into <LF> which causes the blank line
resulting in \par within TeX source.
Runaway argument?
{\tikz [remember picture,overlay]{
./MarginRules.tex:10: Paragraph ended before \AddEverypageHook was complete.
<to be read again>
Process aborted
Now I am even more curious!
On , at 2017 Feb 16,9:54 AM, Tim Brophy wrote:
I received the following on Stack Exchange and it does what I want with a little tweaking. Thanks for the suggestions.
\usepackage{lipsum}% MWE only
\AddEverypageHook{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]{%
\ifodd\value{page}\draw ($(current page text area.north west)+(-0.5\marginparsep,0pt)$)
($(current page text area.south west)+(-0.5\marginparsep,0pt)$)
\else\draw ($(current page text area.north east)+(0.5\marginparsep,0pt)$)
($(current page text area.south east)+(0.5\marginparsep,0pt)$)
I'd gess that this is what is really meant:
\AddEverypageHook{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]{%
\ifodd\value{page}\draw ($(current page text area.north west)+(-0.5\marginparsep,0pt)$)
($(current page text area.south west)+(-0.5\marginparsep,0pt)$)
\else\draw ($(current page text area.north east)+(0.5\marginparsep,0pt)$)
($(current page text area.south east)+(0.5\marginparsep,0pt)$)
\lipsum [1-16]
On 16 Feb 2017, at 14:36, b.a.lee at rocketmail.com<mailto:b.a.lee at rocketmail.com> wrote:
Sorry, I mean \vrule.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Thu, 16 Feb 2017 at 0:16, Alain Schremmer
<schremmer.alain at gmail.com<mailto:schremmer.alain at gmail.com>> wrote:
Just a thought: have you looked at tcolorbox? (e.g. Border Line Option Keys)
Dr Ross Moore
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