[OS X TeX] Encoding problem with TexShop 3.5.9 and 3.6.0

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Fri Feb 12 17:22:51 CET 2016

> On Feb 12, 2016, at 1:59 AM, Rolf Schmolling <rolf.schmolling at alumni.TU-Berlin.de> wrote:
> %!TEX TS-program = pdflatex
> %!TEX encoding = utf8
> \documentclass[DIV=calc,fontsize=10pt, paper=a4, enlargefirstpage,%DINmtext
> %,BCOR=1cm
> ]{scrlttr2}
> \KOMAoptions{
> fromalign=right,%Ausrichtung des Absenderbriefkopfes
> fromphone=true,%Eigene Telefonnummer im Briefkopf
> fromurl=true,%Homepageadresse im Briefkopf
> fromemail=true,%Eigene E-Mailadresse im Briefkopf
> %parskip=half, %für Absätze ohne Ersteinzug aber 1/3 Zeile Absatzabstand
> fromrule=aftername%für unter dem Absendernamen, alternativ: true,für Linie unter dem Absenderbriefkopf
> }
> \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
> \usepackage[applemac]{inputenc}
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}


You have several incompatible and incorrect things going here.

1)The line


is telling LaTeX that you are using MacOSRoman encoding for the file.

2)The line

%!TEX encoding = utf8

is incorrect but is trying (unsuccessfully) to tell TeXShop to use UTF-8 Unicode encoding. UTF-8 Unicode and MacOSRoman encodings are incompatible if you include accented characters. However, since the line is formed incorrectly (it should be

%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

if that's what you really wanted---but wait, don't do that) it is ignored by TeXShop and TeXShop's factory default encoding is used. Until recently the factory default encoding was MacOSRoman (so the inputenc line worked!!!) but recent versions of TeXshop have changed the factory default to IsoLatin9. If you change the the default encoding on the Source tab in TeXShop->Preferences to `Western (Mac OS Roman)' you should be ok. THEN, and only then, open your template and change the TeXShop encoding directive to

% !TEX encoding = MacOSRoman

so TeXShop will always open that template in MacOSRoman from then on, no matter what the default is set to.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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