[OS X TeX] [aquamacs-devel] Aquamacs & El Capitan

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Fri Oct 30 14:10:32 CET 2015

> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:53 AM, David Reitter <david.reitter at gmail.com> wrote:
> Herb,
> I suspect that their LaTeX isn’t available from the command line either.
> In that case I would suggest adding the following to their ~/.bash_profile script:
> export PATH=/Library/TeX/texbin:/usr/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-darwin:$PATH
> I had to do that myself.
> Aquamacs will pick up the /Library path in a future version, but not the /usr/local/texlive/2014 one.  So, that route will require people to upgrade their MacTeX install after installing El Capitan.


The PATH is being set properly. I didn't really know how to find it until Etore gave the incantation to me (haven't used emacs since the 1980s). MacTeX-2015 installs a file in /etc/paths.d which sets /Library/TeX/texbin as part of the PATH variable.

The only time we've seen problems with using that is if someone played with /etc/profile and eliminated the processing of the contents of /etc/paths.d.

As I said, the problem was that the latex command in AUCTeX was changed from latex to pdflatex (don't know when?) and the pdf mode was selected so Aquamacs was trying to execute pdfpdflatex.

Note: I see that you are using MacTeX-2014 (TeX Live 2014). That, of course, still was able to use /usr/texbin so /Library/TeX/texbin wasn't created since El Capitan wasn't even a ``glimmer in Apple's eye'' at the time. Please go to <http://www.tug.org/mactex/elcapitan.html> and read about El Capitan and MacTeX. Make sure you read the `Updating For El Capitan' document linked there; especially the last section on creating the /Library/TeX/texbin link and the proper file in /etc/paths.d for pre-2015 MacTeX installs.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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