[OS X TeX] Problem with project-root connection

Nitecki, Zbigniew H. Zbigniew.Nitecki at tufts.edu
Thu May 28 20:59:07 CEST 2015

I've run into a problem for which I can't provide a "minimal" example, but I desperately need advice.

I have a long-standing book project which has gone through several revisions.  It is organized in different .tex files pulled together by a master file;  the current version has root file "CalculusThree14.tex".  I don't want to discard earlier versions until I am finished with revising, so I have all the files (except self-defined macros) in a different folder for each version.
The way I have been proceeding is to copy each file, then modify its name (the "14" distinguishes the current version from the previous one) and work with the current version (with all the calls to files not yet modified commented out in the master file.

So right now I have the file CalculusThree14.tex,  and a long list of commands of the form \input{oldfilename} commented out, and others of the form \input{oldfilename14} which have been modified (or the same for the one file I am currently modifying). When I create the new copy oldfilename.tex I change the first line from
%!TEX root =  CalcThree.tex
%!TEX root =  CalcThree14.tex

So far so good.

Except today, when I went to do this with the file previously known as integ2.tex, now incarnated as integ214.tex, I get the error message
! LaTeX Error: File `integ214.tex' not found.

Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: tex)

Typing in "integ214.tex" gives the same error message:
Enter file name: integ214.tex

! LaTeX Error: File `integ214.tex' not found.

Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: tex)

(at this point I hit "r" to close out the process)

What puzzles me is that I get this error whether I am TeXing from CalculusThree14.tex or from integ214.tex, so the link from
integ214.tex to the root CalculusThree14.tex seems to work, but not the other direction.

I don't even know where to start looking for my error.  I am attaching the two files CalculusThree14.tex and integ214.tex (which yes, reside in the same folder).

Any suggestions about what might be wrong and/or a workaround?

Zbigniew Nitecki
Department of Mathematics
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155

Office    (617)627-3843
Dept.    (617)627-3234
Dept. fax    (617)627-3966

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