[OS X TeX] Using STIX for a single font
David Derbes
loki at uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 23 18:53:48 CEST 2015
Thanks, Michael. This works perfectly.
Best wishes,
David Derbes
On Jun 14, 2015, at 18:15, Michael Sharpe <msharpe at ucsd.edu> wrote:
>> On Jun 14, 2015, at 10:47 AM, David Derbes <loki at uchicago.edu> wrote:
>> Exactly right, Herb. I thought I had commented it out. Nope, I deleted it (after the suggested addition of \boondox failed to compile; too many alphabets) and then retyped it incorrectly.
>> Everything Michael told me to do worked. I managed somehow to completely screw things up not once but twice. I am now back to where I was, except that I have a solution to the original query thanks to Michael.
>> He’s written me off-line to see if he can figure out how to get me a lower case script p in math mode that won’t clobber the other \mathscr glyphs I would like to keep. STIX has near-copies of \mathscr{L} and \mathscr{H}, but I don’t like ‘em as well as what I get from the \mathrsfs package. I feel very guilty for having him spend any more time on this, and for perhaps leaving the impression that advice he’d given me caused me trouble. His advice was fine. My attempting to follow his advice was entirely loused up.
>> I can always use \wp. Not ideal, but it works.
> David,
> Here's a quick and dirty method. Place these lines in your preamble.
> \pdfmapline{=BOONDOX-r-cal BoondoxCalligraphic-Regular <[8r.enc <zxxrw8a.pfb}
> \font\stixscr=BOONDOX-r-cal at 10pt
> \def\scrp{\mbox{{\stixscr p}}}
> The macro \scrp will produce STIX math calligraphic lower case p in both math and text modes. It's more complicated to get a real mathematical symbol, and it would eat up another math alphabet to do so.
> Michael
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