[OS X TeX] TeX Live 2015 and MacTeX-2015

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Wed Jul 15 19:05:00 CEST 2015

> sudo ln -s /Library/TeX/Distributions/Programs/texbin /Library/TeX/texbin
> sudo echo “/Library/TeX/texbin” > /etc/paths.d/TeX

These should work. I haven’t tried them myself, particularly the
second one, so it would be useful to check and make sure
that afterward /etc/paths.TeX contains


with a line feed after both items.

> And then change their GUIs to /Library/TeX/texbin
> Is this correct?

> (and the trick about moving the contents of /usr/local to somewhere local before updating would also be useful for those upgrading to El Capitan from pre-Yosemite OS versions.)

I installed on a blank partition, but reports from others suggest that the trick is still
needed. However, there is still a lot of time in the beta period, so my advice would
be to stay tuned.


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