[OS X TeX] Anyone still using... ?

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Sat Jan 17 16:20:49 CET 2015


I'd like to get an idea of how many folks are still using the `glossary' package (which is superseded by the `glossaries' package and is no longer included in TeX Live)? Also, how many folks have old documents that used the `glossary' package and still typeset those documents on occasion?

Finally, do we have folks that use some of the more advanced features of the `glossaries' package and would like better support for those features with the latexmk engines in TeXShop?

Let me explain a bit. The present configuration files for the latexmk engines for TeXShop have rudimentary support that works for both the `glossary' and `glossaries' package. However, to use some of the more advanced features of the `glossaries' package requires changes to the configuration files that removes direct compatibility with the `glossary' package. For those who occasionally need to typeset documents that use the `glossary' package I can also supply a `project configuration', platexmkrc, file to place in the same folder as those files that restores the `glossary' compatibility for all files in that folder so all isn't lost.

Note: I haven't had any requests for any of this so it seems folks on this list aren't rally in need of these changes, but...

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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