[OS X TeX] graphics in beamer

Nitecki, Zbigniew H. Zbigniew.Nitecki at tufts.edu
Tue Sep 23 22:25:05 CEST 2014

I need some very elementary advice on including a jpg file in a beamer document.

I am preparing a set of slides using beamer for a talk next week.  My initial version was compiled (via the standard stuff in TeXShop) in pdflatex (I think--whatever is the default engine) but then the pstricks figures all crashed the program.  So I did what I had forgotten to do, when I am creating a paper to print, say via document style article, namely use the "program" macro to insert the line
% !TEX TS-program = latex
which takes care of my pstricks problem.  But now I have trouble with an early command
which gave me no trouble in pdflatex.  I realize that the problem is not specifying bounding boxes--whatever that means--but am fairly ignorant about graphicx, so am not sure how to put in a specification.  Can anyone give me some quick-and-dirty advice on how to do this with minimal pain?

Zbigniew Nitecki
Department of Mathematics
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155

Office    (617)627-3843
Dept.    (617)627-3234
Dept. fax    (617)627-3966

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