[OS X TeX] Macro sheets in TeXShop?
Axel Kielhorn
tex at axelkielhorn.de
Sat Mar 8 07:53:57 CET 2014
Am 06.03.2014 um 16:17 schrieb Alain Schremmer:
> On Mar 6, 2014, at 10:05 AM, Axel Kielhorn wrote:
>> Am 06.03.2014 um 05:57 schrieb Richard Koch:
>>> Alain,
>>> Actually, and sort of to my surprise, this feature is essentially already in TeXShop. To see
>>> that, look at
>>> ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros
>>> and notice that there are TWO macros files there:
>>> Macros_Latex.plist
>>> Macros_Context.plist
>> Why don't you write three different .plist files and a shell alias to rename them as needed?
>> Untested:
>> alias tex1="rm ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros/Macros_Latex.plist ; cp ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros/Macros_Latex_1.plist ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros/Macros_Latex.plist"
>> ln -s may work as well.
>> Just open "Terminal" and enter tex1, ... to get the plist you want.
> The trouble is that I am terminally Terminal-challenged and terrified of doing something terribly terminal via the Terminal.
Let me rephrase my suggestion:
Why don't you create an automator programm?
There is a command to copy files with the option "Replace existing files"
if you specify ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros as your target and drop the macro.plist you want to use
on the automator icon it should copy them there.
You can keep the desired macros and the automator script the document folder and when you start editing you simply drag the macros onto the automator icon.
Mac solution for the terminally Terminal challenged:-)
who just created his first automator programm.
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