[OS X TeX] Text floating around a figure
Michael Sharpe
msharpe at ucsd.edu
Fri Jun 20 00:32:45 CEST 2014
On Jun 19, 2014, at 8:30 AM, 林隽 <jlin at ynao.ac.cn> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Schulz,
> To make it easy for you to help me figure out what my problem is, I attached an example of the .tex file that is compiled, the error message I got, a .cls file, and the resultant .pdf file created, in which you'll notice that the figure is not implemented in the text. Hopefully, my problem would be resolved. The strange thing is that my colleagues tried the same files, and the figure just appears at the right place. So I guess the problem might be due to the setup of my computer. Thanks very much for your attention.
> Sincerely Yours,
> Jun Lin
> > -----原始邮件-----
> > 发件人: "Herbert Schulz" <herbs at wideopenwest.com>
> > 发送时间: 2014年6月8日 星期日
> > 收件人: "List TeX on Mac OS X Mailing" <macosx-tex at email.esm.psu.edu>
> > 抄送:
> > 主题: Re: [OS X TeX] Text floating around a figure
> >
> >
> > On Jun 8, 2014, at 5:44 AM, 林隽 <jlin at ynao.ac.cn> wrote:
> >
> > > Oops, sorry! The attachment is now there. Thanks!
> > >
> > > Jun
> >
> > Howdy,
> >
> > Besides a missing \end{verbatim} and the use of a \draft option it appears that the documentclass file tries to do graphics on its own rather than via the graphicx package. I also found some strange characters at the start of the eps file you sent and ghostscript couldn't do the eps->pdf conversion by itself for the figure, using pdflatex, create the pdf file when using latex.
> >
> > Good Luck,
> >
> > Herb Schulz
> > (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
> >
The pasj00.cls handles graphics in a peculiar manner. You should not \usepackage{graphicx} as the class already loads and then redefines \includegraphics to an error message. You are supposed to use the macro \FigureFile so that the graphic inclusion fragment reads
\FigureFile(50,){figure7.eps}% argument 50 is the width in mm, the second argument seems immaterial
\caption{Figure 1}\label{fig:fig1}
With that change, processing via latex+dvips worked as expected. No changes to figure7.eps were required.
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