[OS X TeX] \includepdf{} and DEVONthink Pro Office
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Tue Jan 28 17:32:42 CET 2014
On Jan 28, 2014, at 9:33 AM, RA Friedrich Vosberg <fv at meinrechtsanwalt.com> wrote:
> Morning.
> Does somebody here work with LaTeX and DEVONthink Pro Office?
> If so: Why it isn’t possible to include in a document a PDF file which is saved in a database of DEVONthink Pro Office? If I use the URL of such a file, e.g. \includepdf{x-devonthink-item://<E012F657AF22354DAC71F70EA0131EA0ACCD6C@EXCHANGE02.hbml.local>} produces an error. But other applications, like BusyCal.app, Mail.app, can handle such links.
> Kind regards, Friedrich
I asssume you are using the pdfpages package to get the \includepdf command? Are you sure that the the required argument for \includepdf can be a URL? The definition given in the documentation fro pdfpages gives \includepdf[⟨key=val ⟩]{⟨filename ⟩} so it requires a PATH to a file rather than a URL.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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