[OS X TeX] A tikzpic problem
Don Green Dragon
fergdc at Shaw.ca
Thu Jan 16 02:04:56 CET 2014
Hello Herb,
On 15Jan2014, at 6:40 AM, Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:
> <<snip>>
> I just compiled the document and it not only looks fine on screen but also as printed on my Brother HL-5250DN Monochrome Laser Printer (using the Postscript Clone Driver) and a HP Officejet 6500 Color Inkjet Printer (using the HP Driver). I'd suspect that there is a problem with the Driver for your Printer; have you tried to print on another Printer?
Well . . . good idea but I had not tried another printer!!! So I sent the page to my fancy Epson R3000 and it printed exactly as it appears in the preview.
So, something is wrong in the HP 2605dn!!! :—(
> Doesn't that Printer have an option to use a Postscript Driver? Try to set up the Printer to use Postscript and your life will be happier in the long run
Yes, it is a PostScript printer and I’ve never run into a problem before. But something is wrong with my settings in view of the message from Alain Hervé.
Thanks for your suggestions and help.
don green dragon
fergdc at shaw.ca
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