[OS X TeX] Copying directories
Michael Sharpe
msharpe at ucsd.edu
Fri Jan 10 22:43:39 CET 2014
On Jan 10, 2014, at 7:21 AM, André Bellaïche <abellaic at math.jussieu.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> Suppose I want to add a new font to my TeX system. The font may be Cabin and the system may be TeXLIve 2010 (I prefer not to update it for the moment).
> The README says: “To install this package on a TDS-compliant TeX system unzip the file
> tex-archive/install/fonts/cabin.tds.zip at the root of an appropriate
> texmf tree, likely a personal or local tree.”
> TeXLive on a Mac doesn't seem to be TDS-compliant (whatever this may means), since when I download the zip fie it unzips by itself into a Mac directory called “cabin”. So I am left with the task of copying a tree into a tree.
> The first tree is
> cabin
> ---- doc
> ---- latex
> ---- map
> ---- opentype
> ---- type1
> ---- files such as README and samples
> The second tree is
> texmf-local
> ---- bibtex
> ---- doc
> ---- dvips
> ---- fonts
> ---- metapost
> ---- tex
> ---- tpm
> ---- web2c
> Not quite the same thing. People suggest that I use cp -R in the Terminal. But a quick look at man cp suggest that cp -R would hardly do the job of putting everything in the right place (that is directories with the same name) in the sublevels of the second tree.
> Does somebody know a solution? (I could do it by hand, but this not the last time I install a new font in TeXLive.)
> André Bellaïche
> Université Paris-Diderot
Be aware that the cabin package requires the mweights package which dates back to last July and would not be in TeXLive 2010. (The same goes for any LaTeX font package constructed since last July using autoinst.) You'll need to install it manually from CTAN.
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