[OS X TeX] Wish for TeXShop : attach custom icon to a given file
Iraj Kalantari
I-Kalantari at wiu.edu
Sun Feb 23 19:34:07 CET 2014
As an option, can TexShop when typesetting *myfile.tex*, use the name *zzmyfile.aux* instead of *myflie.aux*? (And similarly.)
Reason: One might typeset *myfile.tex* and then change a few things, use a related new name, and run *myfile2.tex*. It would be nice if all auxiliary files of all versions could go to the bottom of the alphabetical list of the files in the working folder.
On Feb 23, 2014, at 11:29 AM, Herbert Schulz wrote:
> On Feb 23, 2014, at 10:46 AM, Iraj Kalantari <I-Kalantari at wiu.edu> wrote:
>> Esteemed Experts,
>> Is it possible for TexShop to create a *folder*, when I typeset *myfile.tex*, name that folder *myfileTSAuxiliaries*, and place the auxiliary files (not myfile.pdf) in that folder?
>> Iraj.
> Howdy,
> While pdftex has a -output-directory command line option for its auxiliary files TeXShop will not know about where the files are being placed so it won't find them. I believe that even the .pdf file will be there too. You MAY be able to create a (latexmk) engine that does the right thing but I haven't looked into that and TeXShop still won't find the files.
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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