[OS X TeX] Lost floats

Ross Moore ross.moore at mq.edu.au
Wed Aug 20 20:56:05 CEST 2014

Hello Zbigniew,

On 21/08/2014, at 2:52, "Nitecki, Zbigniew H." <Zbigniew.Nitecki at tufts.edu> wrote:

> It doesn't make sense to me, since it is only certain specific items (one particular equation* environment, but not other, longer ones;  one particular \item, but not other longer ones) that cause the problem.  

The portions both implicitly use a macro  \of
whose definition you have not shown.

>> Could it be a spacing problem? Delete something and then there is room for the floats?
>> GG
>> On Aug 20, 2014, at 11:57 AM, Nitecki, Zbigniew H. <Zbigniew.Nitecki at tufts.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Now, uncommenting more, later material (including some other equation* environments), all goes well, until I come to a list: an "itemize" environment, with several items.  Most of these items have no effect on the floats (i.e., they don't disappear), except for a single item
>>>>>> \item The statement that $\Levof{f}{c}\cap R$ is the graph of \phiof{x} means that the function
>>>>>> \phiof{x} is uniquely determined by \refer{eqn}{implicitfunct}.

>>>>>>>> \begin{equation*}
>>>>>>>> \gsof{a}{\yso-\delts{2}}<0<\gsof{a}{\yso+\delts{2}}
>>>>>>>> \end{equation*}
>>>>>>> and have dredged up all the definitions of the macros used in it:
>>>>>>>> \newcommand{\gsof}[2]{\ensuremath{\subof{g}{#1}{#2}}}% subscripted function g
>>>>>>>> \newcommand{\subof}[3]{\of{#1_{#2}}{#3}}%subscripted function of
>>>>>>>> \newcommand{\ys}[1]{\ensuremath{y_{#1}}}%subscripted y
>>>>>>>> \newcommand{\yso}{\ys{0}}
>>>>>>>> \newcommand{\delts}[1]{\ensuremath{\delta_{#1}}}%subscripted delta

Not all.  What is  \of  supposed to be?  And is it really this at that time?
Some other package may have redefined it, or some internal command may match on it.

e.g.   \root...\of   is defined in  latex.ltx   and used in  \@sqrt  constructions
         \plainroot at ...\of    in  amsmath.sty  and  amstex.sty

There may be others.
e.g. in   gmdoc.sty   and  gmutils  
and  arabtex  has a similar usage with  \case  and  \apply 
and  mdwtools , bm.sty  and  unicode-math  and  siunitx.sty .

A few years back we had a discussion of the inadvisability of using home-grown macros with very short names. Too much chance of a collision with other people's macros or important structures.

>>>>>>>  Nothing unusual that I can see.  But this is at least one of the culprits: when I comment out this equation, the floats all work fine.  When I then uncomment JUST those three lines (the equation) from what just worked, two of the floats get lost.

Where is your .log file?
There are bound to be some messages, other that just the 'Missing floats' ones that are relevant.
Does the whole job finish smoothly? Or inside one or more unclosed grouping levels?
Or within some unclosed \if ...  structures?

Without seeing a whole .log  file, we are just groping for possible causes.

Hope this helps,

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