[OS X TeX] OS X TeX] How install & use genuine Adobe Times-Roman small caps fonts?

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Mon Aug 11 02:17:04 CEST 2014

On Aug 10, 2014, at 6:46 PM, Michael Sharpe <msharpe at ucsd.edu> wrote:

> On Aug 10, 2014, at 3:04 PM, Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenberg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I want to start with either the mathptmx or the mt2pro package for specifying Times.
>> On 9 Aug 2014 15:57:21 -0700, Michael Sharpe <msharpe at ucsd.edu> wrote:
>>> On Aug 9, 2014, at 2:31 PM, Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenberg at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I want to install, and use in LaTeX documents, genuine Adobe Times-Roman Small Caps (and Bold Small Caps) fonts. That is, when small caps or bold small caps are called for in a LaTeX source where Times-Roman is the text font, the Adobe fonts should be used.
>>>> I have the appropriate .pfb, .afm, .pfa, and .pfm files. And yes, I've read font installationguide.pdf, but that seems to be describing how to add a totally new font. But here, I'm just adding (or, I suppose, substituting) certain shapes/weights within existing Times-Roman font support files.
>>>> The new support files will go into my _local_ texmf tree, namely: ~/Library/texmf.
>>>> Question 1: Should I actually use the "ptm" prefix and rename the distributed files tirsc___.* to ptmrc8a.* (and similarly tibsc___.* to ptmbc8a.*)?  Or will that create a conflict eventually with existing system-wide texmf files?
>>>> From now on, I'll just speak of the regular small caps files; similar questions apply to the bold small caps.
>>>> Question 2: Is this the correct driver file for the next step, creating .fd, .pl, ..vpl, and .mtx files?
>>>> % ptm-drv.tex
>>>> \input fontinst.sty
>>>> \needsfontinstversion{1.926}
>>>> \recordtransforms{ptm-rec.tex}
>>>> \latinfamily{ptm}{}
>>>> \endrecordtransforms
>>>> \bye
>>>> Question 3: Assuming the preceding answer is yes, then the next step is to compile metrics and virtual font files, via:
>>>> for file in  *.pl; do pltotf $file; done
>>>> for file in *.vpl; do vptovf $file; done
>>>> Aren't some of the generated *.fd files redundant given that the identically-named system /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/texlatex/psnfss/*.fd files include what's in the newly-generated *.fd? E.g., t1ptm.fd.
>>>> Which leads to:
>>>> Question 4: What is the relationship during normal latex processing between a font-related file in the system texmf tree and the identically-named file in the local texmf tree?
>>>> Does the local version get processed instead of the system version? or are the contents of the local version in effect added to the system version?
>>>> I ask this because:
>>>> (a) most of the newly-generated local *.fd files consist of entries already in the corresponding system *.fd files -- namely, ot1ptm.fd, t1ptm.fd, and ts1ptm.fd;
>>>> (b) however, newly-generated local 8rptm.fd has an entry \DeclareFontShape{8r}{ptm}{m}{sc}{<-> ptmrc8r}{} that does NOT appear in the corresponding system file.
>>>> (Similar considerations would seem to apply to the newly-generated .vf  and .tfm files, which of course are not human readable.)
>>>> Question 5: Processing of the driver file (step 2) creates a record file ptm-rec.tex, which is then processed via a new file:
>>>> *ptm-map.tex
>>>> \input finstmsc.sty
>>>> \resetstr{PSfontsuffix}{.pfb}
>>>> \adddriver{dvips}{ptm.map}
>>>> \input ptm-rec.tex
>>>> \donedrivers
>>>> \bye
>>>> And other drivers I should be including with \adddriver commands?
>>>> Processing ptm-map.tex produces ptm.map, which I know I should put into ~/Library/texmf/dvips/config.
>>>> Do I actually need now to manually edit the local copy of config.ps in order to add "p +ptm.map" to it?  (And similarly for pdftex and xdvi.)
>>>> Or will just editing web2c/updmap.cfg so as to add "Map ptm.map" to it, and then running updmap, take care of this?
>>>> I note that font installationguide.pdf makes no mention of updmap.
>>>> (Sorry if this is a bit off-topic from MacTex-specific issues. But I haven't gotten either strictly on-topic or complete answers elsewhere.)
>>>> ---
>>> In general, you should avoid use of the prefix ptm unless you are fully aware of the consequences, as doing this may interfere with the many other support files using this prefix. And, if you are trying to fit these two special faces into an existing package, you don't need to build everything from scratch, and the current TeXLive packages that offer Times support have in most cases already provided their own support files for their versions of small caps, which are supposed to be metrically equivalent to Adobe's. So, it would help to know which package your are trying to insert these into, as it may then be possible to modify the map file and the fd files to point to your own modifications. You may even be able to avoid fontinst in favor of afm2tfm, which is much less involved.
>>> To answer some of your other questions, tex searches for support files in texmf branches in the following order (in TL2014).
>>> 1. Current folder.
>>> 2. ~/Library/texlive/2014/texmf-var
>>> 3. ~/Library/texmf
>>> 4. /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local
>>> 5. /usr/local/2014/texmf-dist.
>>> So, anything you install in 3. will take priority over the system files 4. and 5.
>>> So, it is important to know which Times package you will start with.
>>> Michael
>> ---
> The mtpro2 is for math only---it doesn't load a text package so you get the default Computer Modern unless you first load a text font package. Mathptmx is, in my opinion, not a good starting point as it lacks many features of modern text families and its math is not as good as most more recent Times math packages, but when it was constructed 15 years ago, it made the best of what was commonly available. There are several Times text packages that would be better, IMO. The current version of STIX for text is less capable than the others (no small caps, for example) though its math is very good, though some parts are rather heavy, and very extensive. There are two other free Times based text packages to consider. TeX Gyre Termes is an extension of the URW Times clone found in all TeX distributions. Newtxtext (part of the package newtx) is also mostly based on that same URW Times clone and, in my biased opinion, is more flexible than TeX Gyre Termes  in its package options. For !
> example, 
> if you like to use oldstyle figures as the default in text (but not in math), that's easy in newtxtext but not in TeX Gyre Termes. Both of these packages offer small caps in all four styles. Replacing two of those with Adobe small caps would not be hard, I think. 
> With the exception of mathptmx, you should be able to mix and match the text package (which you should load first) and the math package. Before spending time trying to install your Adobe small cap fonts, try the small caps in newtxtext (the same ones are in TeX Gyre Termes) and compare the two.
> Michael


I haven't spent time with newtx but this is what I've used with mtp2:


and I happen to have the Adobe Times font for ptm (via the Basics Package --- i.e., the basic laserwriter fonts from Adobe many years ago). I haven't tried using small caps and other ``fancy'' extensions but this has pworked for me. PS: folks that know me also know that I'm a big fan of berasans and beramono. 

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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