[OS X TeX] Search with .* but how to replace?

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 02:45:53 CEST 2014

At Welsh and Schulz

I will try both suggestions later on tonight and, shame on me, I did  
not look up the help in TextWrangler which I have used a lot (to make  
a change across a whole lot of files.)

Very grateful regards

On Apr 24, 2014, at 8:33 PM, Michael Welsh wrote:

> On 25/04/2014, at 1157, Alain Schremmer <schremmer.alain at gmail.com>  
> wrote:
>> I am trying to replace, say, f(x) by g(x)h(x) where x can be any  
>> string.
>> In OgreKit, f(.*) finds the occurrences of f(x) which it selects in  
>> its entirety but I was not able to find on google how then to let  
>> it replace it by g(x)h(x).
>> Hopeful regards
>> --schremmer
> As long as x doesn't contain any (), the following works:
> Set search syntax to Perl (click on more options) and escape  
> character to \.
> Then search
> f\((.*?)\)
> and replace
> g(\1)h(\1)
> For a good place to read about this, I suggest the TextWrangler  
> (free from the App Store) help.

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