[OS X TeX] Unable to use the fontspec package with lualatex
Luis Sequeira
lfsequeira at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 16:09:05 CET 2013
I had a document that was typeset with lualatex last year and worked fine.
Now (with mactex 2013), I cannot typeset unless I comment out the fontspec package. With \usepackage{fontspec} the typeset stalls for a few minutes (Activity Monitor shows lualatex at nearly 100% processor use) and then I get a crash (segmentation fault) of lualatex.
I suspected an old version of some package might be used from my personal tree, but the log does not show any.
Even the minimal example below shows the problem on my mac. For now, since I don't really need lualatex in this case, I can easily typeset, but I also had some documents using actual lua code, and these will be a problem.
Any suggestions are gratefully appreciated.
(to make matters worse for troubleshooting purposes, I cannot easily revert to texlive 2012, which is installed, since the prefpane does not work currently on Mavericks :-( )
Luis Sequeira
Here is the very minimal example
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
\usepackage{fontspec} %if this line is commented out, no problem; like this, it crashes
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