[OS X TeX] Default Settings Popup value change request

Paul Fons paul-fons at aist.go.jp
Tue May 28 05:42:33 CEST 2013

Hi All,
	I would like to use TeXShop for Japanese as well as English and I had not used it for a while.  A couple of years ago, if I installed (by a separate installer) ptex, and chose the pTeX setting from the popup defaults menu in TeXShop, I could type set in Japanese.  In reviewing what has to be done for MacTeX 2012, I discovered that a Japanese typesetting engine is included in the distribution.  The Setup Popup menu that appears in the (latest and presumably earlier) version of TeXShop is antiquated and enters incorrect values for the required settings.

The settings need to be changed in the Typesetting:Default Script section from "Pdftex" to "Tex + DVI" 


the settings in Engine:TeX + dvips + distiller:LateX need to be changed from

simpdftex latex --maxpfb --extratexopts "-file-line-error -synctex=1"


simpdftex platex --mode dvipdfmx --maxpfb --extratexopts "-file-line-error"

and I can typeset in Japanese.  I wasted an hour or so figuring this out and I wanted to post this here so someone in the future can use Google Fu to find the correct answer.  I also wanted to see if it would be possible to change the values changed by the Default Popup setting to correctly enable Japanese (utf-8 files are fine).  Is such a thing possible?


Paul Fons

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