[OS X TeX] Scientific Wordprocessing on MacOSX

Andreas Höschler ahoesch at advanced-science.com
Mon May 20 21:38:34 CEST 2013

Hi Iraj,

> Can you please elaborate (for the non-expert) these few lines you  
> wrote:
>> However, Cassiopeia can work with any LaTeX distribution. One just  
>> has to edit the two scripts
> 	/Library/Frameworks/SDMFoundation.framework/Resources/ 
> generateLaTeXPDF
> 	/Library/Frameworks/SDMFoundation.framework/Resources/ 
> generateLaTeXPDFWithIndex
>> that have content like
>> #!/bin/csh
>> setenv PATH /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current:...
>> pdflatex $1
>> bibtex $1
>> pdflatex $1
>> pdflatex $1
>> and add the path to the bin directory of the LaTeX distribution in  
>> use.

If you open the print panel of Cassiopeia and click on the brown wheel  
in the top right corner of the panel the following happens:

• a temporary directory is created
• Cassiopeia generates LaTeX code for your document and stores it in a  
file output.tex in this temporary directory prefixed with the preamble  
of the chosen document class
• it then does a change dir to this temporary directory and executes  
the script /Library/Frameworks/SDMFoundation.framework/Resources/ 
generateLaTeXPDF with output.tex as the only parameter

The script first sets an environment variable PATH to make sure the  
binary pdflatex (part of your LaTeX distribution) is found. It then  
executes pdflatex with output.tex as the first parameter. This should  
compile the generated LaTeX code in output.tex and generate a file  
output.pdf. The following calls of bibtext and pdflatex are just to  
make sure that bibtext references are resolved correctly. Whatever, at  
the end of the script execution there should be a file output.pdf in  
the temporary directory. If so this file is automatically opened (->  

So far so good. If you want to make Cassiopeia work with another LaTeX  
distribution (not the one provided on the essentials package) you  
first have to find out where your pdflatex is installed. Executed the  
following command in a terminal sesion (/Applications/Utilities/ 

	find /usr -name pdflatex

Let me/us know what you get. Then just add the path to your pdflatex  
binary to the second line of the script. You can edit the script e.g.  
with pico. In a terminal session do

	pico /Library/Frameworks/SDMFoundation.framework/Resources/ 

You might need to do

	sudo pico /Library/Frameworks/SDMFoundation.framework/Resources/ 

depending on your privileges.

Please let me know if this works for you! If you have trouble editing  
the script try to find out the path to your pdflatex using

	find /usr -name pdflatex
	which pdflatex

and I will provide you with a modified generateLaTeXPDF script.



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