[OS X TeX] feathered fill in pdf into pdflatex via TikZ
Gary L. Gray
glgray at me.com
Tue Mar 12 01:02:56 CET 2013
On Mar 11, 2013, at 6:34 PM, "V.Yu. Shavrukov" <v.yu.shavrukov at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've got filename.pdf produced in Illustrator (CS6) containing a feathered-fill object. It displays fine in Preview.
> An attempt to include the pdf file into a pdflatex document using
> \begin{tikzpicture}[...]
> \pgfdeclareimage[...]{localimagename}{filename.pdf}
> \draw(0,0)node{\pgfuseimage{localimagename}};
> \end{tikzpicture}
> leads to the following situation:
> When the pdftex-produced pdf is viewed in TeXShop or Preview (6.0.1, OSX 10.8.2), the feathering on the fill is gone. The feathering is still visible in Adobe Reader though.
> I guess I must be dealing with a peculiarity of PDFKit's dealing with pdf-within-pdf. Could anybody please advise on what I can do differently to make PDFKit see the light?
> Converting to .eps is not really an option because of file size. Also, I seem to need TikZ to introduce some math expressions atop the picture.
I’ve seen this same behavior with some gradients in Illustrator CS6. It appears to be a problem with PDFKit and Dick Koch has submitted a bug report to Apple about it.
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