[OS X TeX] TeXShop 3.18 no longer has icons for .tex files
Josep Maria Font
jmfont at ub.edu
Tue Jun 11 10:09:43 CEST 2013
On 11/06/2013, at 8:07, Thomas Rike <tricycle222 at att.net> wrote:
> It is only cosmetic, but I have become used to quickly identifying files by the icon. Is anyone else using the latest update 10.8.4? It was released on June 4. That may have been when I began losing my icons.
I am, and I am experiencing a weird behaviour with icons: If I view a folder in the Finder "as list" (command-2), the tiny icons shown in the list are the new ones. In the "Get Info" window also these icons are shown. But if I view the same folder "as icons" (command-1) then generic text icons with the word "TEX" on them are shown!
I have rebuilt the LaunchServices database with OnyX and restarted the Finder, and the same behaviour remains.
On the other hand, with recent updates (maybe not just the latest one) a QuickLook problem has been resolved: Now by htting the space bar I can preview the contents of the .tex documents, and others. Before I couldn't (while the new icon showed itself in all views).
BTW, this happens both in a MacBook Air and in a 27" iMac.
Just curious...
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